关于「 luis」的内容列表

According to sources, major Spanish banks are actively developing regulatory and operational frameworks to offer cryptocurrency ETPs.

Bitwise CEO Hunter Horsley shared the news to Luis Berruga: "Confirmed. Spanish banks are actively developing regulatory and operational frameworks to offer cryptocurrency ETPs. Some platforms such as MyInvestor have already started to do so. Adoption should accelerate across Europe in the coming months."

2025-01-08 09:02:37

Bitwise CEO Hunter Horsley 于 X 转发消息人士Luis Berruga披露消息:“已确认。西班牙各大银行正在积极制定监管和运营框架,以提供加密货币ETP。MyInvestor等一些平台已经开始这样做了。未来几个月,整个欧洲的采用速度应该会加快。”

2025-01-08 09:02:37
ECB Vice President Guindos: If Trump implements the tariff plan, inflation will face a huge impact

Luis de Guindos, vice-president of the European Central Bank, said global growth and inflation could face a devastating shock if Mr. Trump implements the level of import tariffs he threatened during the election campaign. Speaking at an event in London on Wednesday, Mr. Guindos said economic output would weaken, price pressures would intensify and existing trade flows would be disrupted. The ECB will include in its outlook any policies announced by the new US administration before deciding how t...

2024-11-07 00:04:26
欧洲央行副行长Guindos:若特朗普落实关税计划 通胀面临巨大冲击

欧洲央行副行长Luis de Guindos表示,如果特朗普落实他在竞选期间威胁的进口关税水平,全球经济增长和通胀可能面临毁灭性冲击。Guindos周三在伦敦的一个活动上表示,经济产出将走弱,价格压力将增强,现有的贸易流动将受到干扰。欧洲央行将把新一届美国政府宣布的任何政策纳入其展望,然后再决定如何应对。Guindos表示,决...

2024-11-07 00:04:26
A certain address used $67 to buy 12.7 million LUIS, making a profit of 816 times

According to The Data Nerd monitoring, the address starting with 9e3Lf made a profit of $547000 (~x816) by purchasing 12.7 million LUIS for $67 7 hours ago, and then selling 6.2 million LUIS for $23600. Currently, there are still 6.5 million LUIS (approximately 27100 US dollars).

2024-04-04 15:40:01

据The Data Nerd监测,9e3Lf开头地址7 小时前使用 67 美元购买1,270 万LUIS后获利54.7万美元(~x816),然后以 2.36 万美元的价格出售 620 万LUIS。现在,仍有 650 万LUIS(约合 2.71万美元)。

2024-04-04 15:40:01

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